

It's About Damn Time SOMEONE Said It:

"People may like to think that they're descended from some ancient group while other people are not. But human ancestry doesn't work that way, since we all share the same ancestors just a few millenniums ago. As that idea becomes more widely accepted, arguments over who's descended from Jesus won't result in lawsuits. And maybe, just maybe, people will have one less reason to feel animosity toward other branches of the human family." - Olson, Why We're All Jesus' Children


Haven't I Been Saying That for YEARS. . .

"A lot of gay people don't know they're gay."

I suppose I have the unfair advantage of having several openly gay friends and acquaintances, so my "gaydar" is probably better than most, but I've certainly met people who I've described as "not knowing" that they're gay.

It also reminds me of the current lawsuit against Clay Aiken by nine of his former fans. My friend and I nearly peed ourselves laughing because we were SURE long before now. . . whoever handled his PR before the "scandal" is probably kicking themselves right now. And those 9 folks involved in the lawsuit, well, they're still anonymous, but I have my own suspicions about them.

Why Temper Tantrums Suck for Everyone

I had another one of my infamous temper tantrums yesterday while waiting for gasoline at the Sunoco station on the 'Pike.

Now, I've already ranted about my peevishness related to my car's windows not being power windows and gas station attendants not walking to the OPEN driver's side window to hear my order about the kind of fuel I want to put in my car. Especially when I am the only person in the car.

I flipped out yesterday because I was cranky AND because the attendant, rather than following my hand signal to come around to the OPEN driver's side window, turned around and started to wait on another customer in an SUV who had pulled up AFTER I had.

That was it. I slammed open the door and had a fit. Fortunately, I refrained from any ethnic slurs or other profanity, but I was PISSED off. All I wanted was to fill the fucking tank with regular gasoline.

How fucking hard is it to walk the 5 feet from the pump island to my window?

Every other fucking attendant, even the laziest of acne-scarred teenagers in the most inconvenient suburbs and exurbs, in the fucking state will do this, by the way, but this one guy has to consider himself special.

Had the guy walked around to my side of the car, as I indicated, and not turned to wait on another person WHO ARRIVED AFTER I DID, I probably wouldn't have had my temper tantrum.

But I did and I broke the clips on my door panel.

Which meant that, when I tried to re-enter the vehicle, I couldn't open my door.


Being resourceful as well as short-tempered, I climbed in through the rear seat. And called Matt afterwards.

When I got home, I was still angry, but despite the fact that I bitched at him about how the attendant should have come around to my side (and I still insist that he should have; it's simple customer service, isn't it?) he fixed my door.

What have I learned from this experience?

If I'm going to have a temper tantrum, maybe I shouldn't take it out on my car door.

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