

Just When I Thought I'd Seen Everything. . .

OK, so we've just switched to Daylight Savings time. Three weeks early.

It's understandable that people will be a little . . . off.

But the two chicks I've seen in the last two days really take the cake.

Yesterday, I thought I saw someone in a white Honda or Toyota ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL while on the northbound NJ Turnpike between exits 12 and 13.
QUESTION: When did it start to be OK to sleep in a moving vehicle when you're the driver?

Today, I'm SURE I saw someone in a navy blue or black Infiniti READING A FUCKING MAGAZINE between exits 9 and 10.
QUESTION: Why are people who drive "luxury" cars such self-entitled douches? And what was so fucking important in that magazine that she HAD TO read it while DRIVING?

I give up.

I mean, this was AFTER I was tailgated by a North Brunswick cop on my way to Route 1. No sirens, no lights, but the douchebag (and let me say that one of my friends is an NYC police officer, so I rarely call police officers douchebags out of respect for my buddy) was fucking TAILGATING me because he (apparently) was in a rush. Now, tailgating pisses me off when it's a civilian, but the fact that it was a police officer pissed me off even more. . .the badge doesn't make it so that you're above the law, jackass.

I have no idea where he needed to be so fast that he couldn't drive like a normal human being, but there's a pastry shop nearby. . . douche was going at least 70 mph in a 45 zone; I was doing 50. He really must have needed that croissaint. Only when he decided I was in his way did he flash his lights, which is when I changed lanes (flashing lights are enough for me) and watched him speed off. . .if I'd done that, I would have been pulled over, ticketed and had points on my license for the next five years.

QUESTION: When did being the driver in a police cruiser give you the right to break the law?

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