

How Many Times Do I Have To Say It?

Les Miserables does not take place during the French Revolution of 1789-99, which conjures images of terror, mobs and beheadings.

The meat of the action, and the barricade scenes, actually take place a Paris uprising in 1832, organized by students after the death of General Lemarque, whose organizers fancied themselves directly descended from the mobs of desperate citizens who overthrew the monarchy and stormed the Bastille.

I had better know. I read the book. The unabridged version, including all the politics and 19th century digressions I can't stand.

Why mention this now?

I'm just in time for the Broadway revival which is set to open a six-month run in October. And numerous audiences and critics through the years have insisted that it takes place during the French Revolution.

This drives me crazy. You want a musical that actually takes place during the French Revolution, guillotines and all? Try The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Neither the novel (by Victor Hugo, who also gave us The Hunchback of Notre Dame) nor the musical (as produced by Cameron Mackintosh) takes place during the 1780's.

You want a 19th century book to read about the French Revolution? Try A Tale of Two Cities.

I have no patience for ignorance.


Everything Old is New Again

I hadn't realized that the Bedazzler hadn't died with the '80's.

It didn't.

It's being advertised.

On Style Network.

This frightens me.

Now, I'm not saying I display the greatest style in my everyday dressing, and I have been known to wear really ill-fitting sweats to work, but I will never wear anything that has been Bedazzled.

To me it signifies everything trailer-trash and HSN in this country and should have died a LONG time ago. The fact that it didn't is very revealing.

Kill the Bedazzler. Please. Throw them all into a volcano. Do SOMETHING other than sell them.

There are times and places for rhinestones; the local megamart or 7-11 aren't appropriate. And nobody needs to see your grandmother in something that would make Neil Diamond look bland.


I Hate it Here

Like Spider Jerusalem, I too hate the City I work in.

Like Spider Jerusalem, I loathe the hypocrites and fast-talkers who invariably reign tyrannically over their fiefdoms, implementing their master plans with reckless, vicious disregard for the human beings they're trampling.

Perhaps I'm not as misanthropic, but lately I've run a close second, nor am I bald and tattooed, although I've considered both at various times in my life.

And I am most decidedly not male, nor do I have any desire to be, as un-femminine as I may be, I'm still female and don't really mind.

Anyway, when I am told that I am a required attendee at any sort of training session, I get really hostile if I show up and find it's not worth my time, like I did today.

And under whose authority was I invited? A MANAGER, WHO DOES NOT MANAGE MY TEAM, TOLD THE TRAINING TEAM TO INVITE BOTH TEAMS. Even people, like me, who had had this training before were listed as "required" attendees. If I hadn't been, I would have declined.

My manager pulled me out of the training a few minutes ago. But I'm still upset with the other manager.

Next time, he should give the training team a list instead of making a blanket statement.

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