

Awww Crap. . .

Tonight is the State of the Union Address. On TV. From a person who has no idea how to deliver a speech.

The only way I can get through it is waiting to read the transcript tomorrow.

You would have thought that, by now, the President would have had the sense to hire a diction coach, forensics expert, acting coach, voice coach or all of the above to make it, at the very least, listenable.

He hasn't. It isn't.

And I'm not just saying that because I disagree with him. He made some good points in the last SOU, but I had to read them the next day because his delivery stinks.


Someone, please, remind him that he's the leader of one of the most powerful nations on the planet and not some ranch hand.

BTW, Jon Corzine has the same problem with his delivery.

But I bet you he'll hire a voice coach.


If You Thought Olestra Was Bad. . .

. . . as of today, the FDA voted to approve OTC sales of a pill that inhibits your body's ability to absorb fat. Used with a combination of diet changes and exercise, it can help some people lose weight.

This may seem like good news, except for the fact that the side effects include gas and "anal leakage".

Never having been obese, I'm not sure if I consider this a fair trade-off: stay fat and gulp my Ben & Jerry's without worry. . . OR . . . fear potentially embarassing gas, "anal leakage" and/or greasy staining of my underwear with the fats I did consume as part of my dietary changes.

Other not-so-great points:

* You can't use this pill forever.
* Once you stop using it, the weight comes back.
* Since it blocks your body's ability to absorb fat, it also diminishes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E & K - so you'll probably be advised to take a good multivitamin to ensure you're getting your vitamins.
* (?) Possible increase of anxiety in social situations, which may already be present in folks who've been overweight, due to the gross side effects.

This all seems pretty extreme to me.


Paranoia as Self-Preservation

Why Do Whistle-Blowers Seem So Crazy? (or "I'm not paranoid, but they're all out to get me").

Based on the information from the current whistle-blower/star-witness du jour, I might not have been too far from the mark when I dared the NSA to eavesdrop on my blog.

J. Edgar Hoover is probably dancing a jig. In his favorite pair of heels.

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