

Happy Dance Time!

So although I had some major anxiety yesterday because it was the last f-ing day of the f-ing quarter (and, by extension, revenue year 2005) and my project was being reviewed (slowly) in another time zone, I survived and didn't kill Matt in the process, although I majorly screwed up along the way.

As of yesterday, I have no valid reason to bitch about the projects that were keeping me in the office until 6pm (I arrive at 7:30am) and forcing me to drive on the 'Pike during the end of the peak rush hour. And at night.

I hate driving in rush hour and I hate driving at night. I hate drivers who tailgate and I hate drivers who talk on their phones while they're driving. I hate the fact that there's no reliable network of public transportation so that I don't get stuck behind an older driver who doesn't feel comfortable driving above 35mph in a 65 zone. I hate a lot of other things, too.

But I shouldn't have to drive home from work at night anymore after today. At least until the end of next year anyway.

One good thing that happened this week, though, was that Matt set up the Christmas tree. This is an especially good thing because now I can take the storage box up to our storage locker and bring down whatever Christmas decorations I have there so we can finish decorating the tree.

Matt commented that our tree is very white-trash: it's an artificial, pre-lit pine that has a NASCAR ornament that I gave to Matt hanging on it. I don't think it's particularly white trash, but I do agree that it needs more stuff on it. I think that's why I like artificial trees better than real ones - you can hang everything you want on them and they still look fine because they actually NEED to have all that crap on them to fill in the gaps you missed while fluffing out the branches.

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