


I am now in the midst of a personal Tom Cruise boycott.

His schizoid "meltdown" on TV and attacks on Brooke Sheilds were way too much for me to take.

Yes, I did buy the mega-special edition of 'Legend' a few years ago, but that was back when his publicist could control what came out of his mouth, because he evidently can't do that on his own.

What the Fuck?

I'm not the most reasonable or even the most tactful person on the planet, but when did it become OK to swing a shopping bag full of things into another person's back?

'Cause I missed that memo.

Of course, if you really want me to paint a nasty picture, I can use several ethnic slurs and comments about intelligence.

But I don't want to paint a nasty picture.

Of course, if it happens again, I'm taking the bag (er, weapon) away, emptying it and throwing the empty bag away.

Tapping on the shoulder, I guess I can deal, but not that. That's unacceptable, subhuman behavior.

And I don't get paid to take that shit. Fucking greedy, self-entitled bitches.

I can handle it much better when they're mean verbally, but that crossed the fucking line. And, had I the presence of mind to call the security officer over, I could have requested to file assault charges.

"I barely touched you" does not excuse your behavior. Nor does offering me the chance to hit your shoulder. This is not what civilized people do.

This had better not happen at the fucking Freehold Mall or else I'm going to go completely apeshit.


How The World Has Changed. . .

Of course, it's a step up from "moron," "imbecile," or "idiot," which were actually codified as appropriate technical terms in 1910 by the AAMR, then known as the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiots and Feeble-Minded Persons. (Morons were the brightest, followed by idiots and imbeciles.)

Aren't you glad?

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