

Rant-a-thon. . .

Coming soon to this blog. . . RANT-A-THON 2005.

Work has been hectic, I get no computer time at home and I'd rather spend my weekends out in the fresh air than cooped up inside tapping away on the PC.

HOWEVER, there are a few things I'm in need of a good rant about:

* the RU merging plan for the New Brunswick/Piscataway campus system;
* people who watch disaster coverage like it's a sporting event;
* malaria, cholera, yellow fever and mosquito-borne diseases of which I anticipate a resurgence, especially in the refugee/evacuee population of New Orleans;
* the latest Harry Potter novel;
* and high school kids who have too much time on their hands so they smash peoples' car windows for no apparent reason other than that they're bored.

I just haven't made the time, nor have I kicked the Matthew off the PC, so I'll do it soon.

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