

Quote of the Day:

"My goal in my rugby career is to try to get rugby bigger than soccer - and, if that means being really fruity, so be it."(Welsh rugby player Gavin Henson, March 2005, The Guardian)


Another Reason I Love Prudie:

The following question/response appears in this week's column:

I love your column, and now I finally have something disturbing enough to ask you about. My boyfriend and I have been together for a few years, although we've known and liked each other for nearly a decade. We've both been faithful churchgoers and even played together in our worship band. Like any large (or small) church, it is its own community and therefore can be either very supportive or gossipy about the members. A few months ago, I found out I was pregnant. Huge faux-pas for a 20-year-old Christian. Both my boyfriend and I decided we wouldn't rush out and get married just because of our baby, but we would buy a house and move in together. Everything considered, we feel we've done the right thing. I feel totally at peace. However, it has gotten out (and spread like wildfire) that we're living together. The overall response from our "loving" church was a lot of judgment and people saying how stupid we are. Needless to say my boyfriend and I have taken a "break" from weekly attendance. After such negative outbursts from our just being together, I have no desire to say I'm pregnant. My question is: Given the opposition, should my boyfriend and I try to explain ourselves (they'll find out about our baby eventually), or should we just start looking for new friends who will support us in this supposed-to-be-happy time?

—"Judge not" in Alaska

Dear Judge,
Prudie is sorry you've been disappointed by the people you've worshipped with. Not to put too fine a point on it, it's always a letdown when churchgoers point fingers … schooled as they are in the Good Book. Prudie cannot see how you would ever feel comfortable with this congregation, so by all means look for a more understanding, less gossipy group of parishioners with a somewhat higher compassion quotient. As for the "judge not" directive, your current group of co-religionists definitely sound like they belong in the department of pots and kettles.

—Prudie, faithfully"

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