

I am a LAZY Kid

I have a bunch of things to blog about, but haven't.

Like my WONDERFUL trip to Arizona with the Matthew.

Beautiful weather, sunshine, a rented purple car and lots of fresh air. . . I want to do that all the time now. So I'm considering the types of things I can do for a living to make that happen.

Like researching schools of massage therapy.

And going back to school for my teaching certification.

And getting OUT of Acme Publishing and away from all legal matters unless I'm called for jury duty or to be executrix of my dad's estate.

The company will be sorry to see me go, but I won't. Sure, I'll miss the folks I work with, but when I can get out-out-out of publishing and Newark, what'm I going to cry about?

It's time to start doing things I really enjoy, things that make me feel connected to every part of my personality, and that I feel so good about doing, that it doesn't feel like "work", but more like "play".

Also, this Friday is my re-defense of the costume contest titles I've won for the past 2 years. If I dress up, that is. I just need to dig out my old standby and add the new top I bought in Arizona and I think I'm set.


P.S. -

Since all the cool kids are doing it:

This site is certified 25% EVIL by the Gematriculator

If you go to Tall James's blog, you'll also see that this site is more evil than his. . . and more evil than Moe's band's site

Yeah, I'm a VERY bad girl.

It's Official. . .

. . . if you value your lives, stay off the sidewalks.

I now have a car.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.


I Like This Quote:

"You are on the wrong side of history," he [Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA)] said to the measure's supporters. "It is wrong to take a beautiful institution like marriage and use it as an instrument of division."

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