

Had to Share:


OK, I wasn't going to call it a vacation, but that's the only word left for my trip to Mom's next week.

Almost an entire week, completely work-free, stress-free and the only thing I need to do is relax and enjoy the ride.

But, before I take this week of luxury, there were several things that needed doing here. . . like cleaning my bathroom. It was scuzzy, but nothing that the scrubby bubbles couldn't handle! I finished the bathroom today because the floor needed some scrubbing. But that's something I leave to a real scrub-brush, so I need a spare hour or two.

I did the bathroom and the kitchen floors today, after throwing out a bunch of stuff on Tuesday night (trash night), and finally emptied my vacuum. I think I might either need a new filter or need a new vacuum. . . I dropped it once when I cleaned the stairs, and it hasn't been the same since.

I reorganized the countertops and rearranged the bookshelves, throwing out whatever I didn't recognize or couldn't use immediately, and stacking my two favorite cookbooks in a decent position.

I even washed the dishes for the past three nights without letting them sit a day. OK, so I'm not so great about putting them away once they're dry, but I'm getting better.

The whole point of all this domesticity is to not come home to a stinky house next week. I've been coming home to a stinky house and not even realizing it because I've grown accustomed to the smell, but I hope that I'll stay on my cleaning kick as it gets warmer outside. Stinky houses and warm weather love to torture you.

The last step in making sure my house doesn't reek when I get back is going to be. . . taking my laundry with me. Mom has a super-sized washing machine and dryer, so running a quick load or two while I'm there shouldn't be too much of an imposition. Plus, it's free facilities, so I'm not complaining!

Here's to a week of sun, sand and good (free) food!


I Can't Pronounce It Either

The biggest sound byte I heard today that referenced the President's speech last night included his mispronunciation of the name of the facility in which POW's were subjected to abuse and/or torture, depending on how you (or the current treaties that your country is a signatory) define the word "torture".

I find this to be incredibly unfair to the guy, because 90% of the media mispronounce it, too. I only learned how to say it here, and I still don't have it right.

Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the current CIE, and have remarked upon his wilful mediocrity on numerous occasions both on- and off- line, but this is one of the few times where I will defend the guy. Yeah, he bungled it 3 times, but so did you.


Weekend Update. . .

Note to self: Anything that begins with someone saying "You know, I'm too old to fight. . ." is not going to end well.

Now, I know that restaurants, including fast-food joints, in NYC are rather crowded to begin with, especially when as a nation we're getting fatter. The Wendy's that Gary and I went to after an Avon Walk event this past Saturday was no exception.

The only free table among the myriad stuffed into a space that was WAAAAY too small happened to have chairs that ended up locking into each other when you pulled them out to sit down. OK, I'm not crazy about the idea of eating all cramped up, but what the hell can you do? While finishing my salad, two more tables cleared up and the guy who was sitting in the chair behind mine left.

Obviously, due to the paucity of tables, and the closeness of the chairs, the table behind me was the only table left. . . when I was staring at two open tables over Gary's shoulder. I was finished with my too-wet salad (something that never happens to me even at Wendy's at the nearby student union) so I got up to stretch my legs and throw out my salad dressing because I forgot to ask for a low-fat version.

Yeah, I rattled the chair back, but unbeknownst to me someone had chosen that chair to sit in. That someone happened to be a really obnoxious chick whose first comment was "Escuse me, but I'm trying to eat here"

I looked her in the eye and said "It's not my fault that the tables are too close together" while she persisted in explaining that she was trying to eat . . . I'm sorry, maybe in addition to being stupid, you're blind as well, considering there are TWO OPEN TABLES directly behind Gary. And, I was there first and didn't complain when my chair was rattled. . . having seen that (1) there were too many tables for the space and (2) the place was too crowded to be irritated about it. But no, she finishes one of her comments with "You know, I'm too old to fight. . ."

Now, I'm already peeved because I was talking about some things that have happened over the past couple of weeks that are bringing up some uncomfortable feelings, but fortunately I had the sense to not open my packet of 170-calorie-160-calories-from-fat packet of salad dressing and squirt it into her eyes. . . as I saw myself doing in this really detatched vision in my head.

Because, you know, I'm really too old to fight.


Cold Turkey

Courtesy Kurt Vonnegut.


Ripped From the Headlines. . .

Why Do Athletes Pee on Their Hands?

It's not such a far-fetched idea to use urea in cleaning/bleaching, I mean, the ancient Romans used to collect the urine from public latrines and use it to clean togas. . . and they used it in The Mammoth Hunters to make leather white. . . and urea is a major component in many skin lotions - but those are primarily to make your skin softer.

All it reminds me of is this joke about an Army guy, a Navy guy and a Marine. . . you know the one.


Heat Is OK. . .

. . . but humidity makes me look like a mushroom.

I got my eyebrows waxed today to keep them from getting too bushy. I can see my eyes again! Yay!


Hello Warm Weather. . .

The weather suddenly got WARM today.

This is very serious, as it means that I will have to shave tonight.

I hate shaving. But I hate heat stroke more.



My head aches today.

That is all.


Rain, Rain, Go Away. . .

As much as I enjoy listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops, I'm not crazy about being all wet and cold.

Today was a gloomy day. I don't like gloomy days.

But it's over now and I can go to sleeeeeep. =)

Ooh, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!


Lazy Day

Today I did mostly nothing.

I cleaned up my living room a little bit, but have a little more to do before it's clean enough to have company.

The bedroom could use a little work, but it's not as bad as it's been.

And the less said about the kitchen, the better.

I also learned a thing or two about the new salt scrub I bought today . . . don't use it in the bath or it will leave a ring of chartreuse at the water line. Ewwww. Chartreuse.

It was a great day to take a short walk, so I did, and an even better day to wear shorts. I don't have any shorts that fit, so I wore jeans. Not a good idea, but what the hell.

Tomorrow is a training walk that I'm hosting. Hopefully, it'll be done before noon, but that will depend entirely on the group pace. We shall see how things play out.

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