

The Way I See it. . .

I think all 3 of them are wackos, but I'll take my chances with Rooney.


Why The Annoying Quizno's Ad Makes for Great Deconstruction

They are not rats. They're called 'spongmonkeys'.

I am not making this up.



In the interim, if you need any Liz-news, visit the Walker's Blog.

I'm going through a rather introspective time in my life right now and need to spend the thoughts elsewhere.

*EDIT* I had a think and a look-see at the condition of my scalp, and shaving my head is not a healthful option. So I'm just going to volunteer for the event. When I really thought about it, I was going into it for impulsive and wrong reasons. . . it makes me queasy thinking about it. But, if you want more info for what the event is, click here.


Quote of the Week:

There is nothing good and there is nothing bad, but thinking makes it so.

(Quote courtesy Yogi Tea)



I got home before it was dark today.

This was a FANTASTIC feeling. =)

Let's see if I can do that on Wednesday, shall we?



Matt went to Mexico today. I got his text message while on the train home from my training walk. . . "Arriba!"

When he gets back to AZ, he's gonna call me. And I might actually be awake enough to talk! =)


I'm Hysterical. . . And I'm Wet. . . And I'm Still Hysterical. . .

No, I am NOT Leo Blum. I promise.

But today I was cold and wet because it's too warm for snow. . . brrr.

Fortunately, I remembered to bring my umbrella. =)

Of course, the mopey weather means that I'm more than a little jealous of Matt this weekend. He's in Arizona, where, although it's 60, it's warmer and drier. . . and the air is cleaner and clearer. And you can see the stars at night. And the sun feels warm.

He'll be relaxed and well-rested when he gets back, I'm sure of that. This was good for him. . . sun, clean air, fresh food, driving a Mustang (!). . . he feels free. =)

All the same, I can't wait to hug him when he gets back.


Swiped Fair and Square

I saw this on Fuzzy's blog and also on Moe's blog and felt that, since the cool kids were all doing it, I'd do it too:

create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide

Of course, I can also do the one I saw on Amy's blog:

Please keep in mind that I didn't count states I've driven through on my way to destinations such as VA or FL. . . though it would make my list longer and my explored states light up more red.


(1) I have driven to business and personal meetings in VA (the company has an office in Charlottesville and I have friends in Manassas, not to mention the fact that my godmother lives in Fredericksburg) and, although I received a speeding ticket in MD, I don't feel I've ever really "visited" in the strictest sense of the word.

(2) I took the Greyhound to FL about 5 years ago, over Thanksgiving weekend, and it was a trip I don't wish on even my worst enemies or most psychotic ex-boyfriends, so let's leave it at that.

Moral of the story? I need to get out of NJ more.


I think I've been doing a good job achieving my goal to stop bitching about every little thing. . . of course, I've left myself very little time and energy to do it, but I'm overall happier and healthier because of it.

My next thing to do is to find my "sexy" . . . I lost it and want it back, dammit!

Matt will be away this weekend, so it allows me some no-pressure time to do it.

NO MORE EXCUSES!!!! I will do this.

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